Sustainable construction - mflor

Sustainable construction – LEED / BREEAM

Buildings are increasingly built and then certified according to an overall sustainability scheme. Having a project certified under a sustainability scheme such as BREEAM or LEED demonstrates how sustainable it really is.
It shows, among other things, that:

  • The project concerns a sustainable and high quality building, thus helping to reduce operating costs.
  • The building is ‘healthy’ in terms of climate, ventilation and VOCs. All these factors, in turn, help to generate higher productivity and mean a healthier workforce.

Thanks to their low VOC values, mFLOR floors can make a valuable contribution to buildings that are certified according to sustainability criteria. The sustainability schemes also vary considerably between countries. The Eurofins Indoor Air Certificate Gold covers the VOC requirements laid down by sustainability schemes such as BREEAM NOR, BREEAM NL, BREEAM International, WELL Building, GreenTag Australia, SKA Rating, etc.

See the certificate for all sustainability certification schemes covered by this label: